How to Protect Floors When Moving?

How to Protect Floors When Moving

Moving homes is a situation which can bring about lukewarm feelings for some reasons. For one thing, moving homes is like going on a new adventure with everything that you own. It can be quite exciting. However, on the other hand, it can also be very scary to think about. There is just so much that you would have to fix or do during this period. One of such things is moving.

Moving homes is a situation that can bring about lukewarm feelings for some reasons. For one thing, moving homes is like going on a new adventure with everything that you own. It can be quite exciting. However, on the other hand, it can also be very scary to think about. There is just so much that you would have to fix or do during this period. One of such things is moving.

Moving would require taking your things over to another property. This would mean carrying heavy objects across your floors into the truck or van outside. One area of your house which could suffer much damage when you are trying to move is your floors. Now the damage of floors can affect you in both ways.

For example, floors in your previous home can get scratched or dented in the process of moving on. This would cost a lot including your security payment which would have made earlier. It could also affect your new home as moving to it would require carrying heavy loads through the floors.


Important Tips to Protect Your Floor

  • More spending: damaged floors would not fix themselves. To have them fixed, you would probably need to spend more than you bargained for initially. This would put a strain on your budget and your new move.
  • It could also delay your movement as the floors could turn out to be too badly damaged to be used.
  • It would also increase the stress levels you already have. After all, moving from one place to another is a lot of work.

When all this is taken into perspective, it becomes important to consider several ways in which floors can be protected when you are trying to move your things to a new location. Here are some tips which would surely help;


Lighter Items Help

When moving, it is always important to remember that dragging your heavy items across the floor is a sure way to make your floors get damaged very quickly. This is because most floors are very delicate and fragile. Dragging your heavy items on it can feel a lasting mark on the floors. Such damages could include dents on wooden floors or the breakage of tiles if you prefer to tile your home.

If you want to keep the floors intact, then, the first thing you can do is to ensure that you reduce the heavy things which you drag on your floors. You can do this by carrying items on your arm when you can. These may even include furniture which is light but can have edges that can damage the floors when they are dragged on it.

You should always keep in mind that your floor would always suffer less if the heavy loads are kept out of direct contact with your floor at all times. For the much heavier load, you can always get someone to lift it off the floor with you. This would ensure that the floors are always protected from damage.

Safety comes first

If you want to avoid damage to your floors, the best principle to follow is to be safe first. Safety goes in a lot when you have to pack your items together in general. Following safety tips would help you to avoid damage to your floors. Here are some of those tips:

  • If you are dealing with chairs, tables, and other forms of furniture, you can ensure that you stay safe by tying or wrapping their legs in a material that covers them completely. For example, you can try to do this with a blanket. This would come in handy in the event of a situation where such a piece of heavy furniture mistakenly falls to the floor when it is being moved out.
  • When packing things, it is always a better idea to make use of cardboard boxes to pack. However, it should not just be any cardboard. Ensure that the box which you have chosen would have the power to hold the load or weight they are carrying. The truth is that the biggest cause of damage when moving is the dropping of load unintentionally on the floor. Getting the right cardboard box would help you avoid all of that.
  • You should also ensure that the boxes which you have chosen are taped as much as possible. This would prevent it from getting damaged easily.
  • It is always better to check the normal standard weight when you are packing. This is usually about 20 pounds for every box which you are carrying.

Your Heavy Furniture may need to be measured

Another thing which would surely make a difference when you are packing to a new destination is measuring your furniture. There are many reasons why it is necessary that you do this. One such reason is that you would be able to know what load can successfully fit into your new location. The other reason is that it would help you to avoid further damage to your floors and the previous room.

For example, not measuring your furniture would leave you open to the chances of that furniture not being able to pass a door. What you would thus cause for yourself in the process would be scratches or dents on the door and so many other places. The worst-case scenario would see the heavy furniture fall to the ground in a heap. This would cause your floors and other fragile items in your home to get damaged.

It is therefore important to know the sizes of your bigger furniture and other items which you intend to move to. If this seems a bit hard to figure out, then getting a local moving company to do this for you would be the perfect start. They have a much better experience dealing with issues like this and would take steps to ensure that you move everything that you own with any damage done to the floor. 

A great example of a local moving company would be They are known for their perfectionistic attitude towards any job that they get.

Furniture Sliders

Another way to guard your floors when you are in the process of moving would be by getting a furniture slider. Furniture sliders simply refer to a piece that is made from plastic. It is bounded by rubbers that are hard. What this achieves for you is that it eliminates or reduces the friction that dragging furniture around would cause you.

While moving, you are surely going to move a lot of things around. From huge furniture to even appliances, you would need all the help that you can get. Getting a furniture slider to do the trick for you would be amazing.

A furniture slider can be operated by simply ensuring that the furniture slider is placed under the leg area of the item which you intend to move. Once this has been done effectively, you would be able to move your heavy furniture from where it was to where it would be taken to the new home. It would almost be like your item was on a pair of skis! 

It is also important to note that while your budget may not give you the necessary funds to get a furniture slider from the local store, you can always create one from home or create an alternative. You can be pretty sure that you would find this reassuring.

Getting a Dolly

Using wheels to move things has been in existence almost since airplanes were made. This innovation is one of the best things that has happened to humans in such a long time. This innovation would also definitely come into play when you are packing.

Moving your items using wheels would be a good way to ensure that you do not have direct contact with the floor. To make sure that the wheels which you are using have no negative effect on the floors, it would also be better to get a dolly.

If you plan on using a dolly, there are some options that are opento you. One of them is getting an appliance dolly. That would most likely use two wheels; you would also get the opportunity to use a furniture dolly instead. This is usually pushed on four wheels. Four wheels would go a long way to ensuring that your item has all the stability and balance that it should have.

If you are looking to get a dolly, most of them can be rented for a particular fee, or you can simply just purchase your very own. It is important to note that the tires of the dolly should be made of soft rubber. Anything hard has a chance of hurting the ground. You should always check how clean they look to avoid stains on your floors.

Doormats are useful

Moving to a new property can take place at any point in time. It is therefore essential that you get yourself prepared for anything. For example, you could decide that it is time to move during the snow or when it is raining. If you are in a situation where the weather in your area is not quite favorable, you would realize that your acquisition of doormats would be of assistance. It is all too easy for you to carry stains and dirt from outside into your house, especially during the process of packing. There is just so much back and forth that it would be hard to keep account of how you work.

If this is the situation that you are faced with, then you should make sure that you have doormats available. The bigger, the better when you are faced with this situation. Ensure that you have at least one doormat at the entrance of your house and another one right after the door has been opened.

They should be enough to ensure that everyone's legs and shoes get dusted off before they enter the house. Another benefit of this is the reduction of accidents. When a floor becomes watery for example, the tendency for people to slip and fall to the ground heavily is increased ten-fold. Doormats would also help to keep other things out such as the dust.

Blankets and Rugs

To ensure that your floors are well protected during a transition, you can keep them covered using an old blanket or rug. This always turns out to be excellent protection for your floor as they would not feel the full impact of any fall on them. It would also help you avoid the stains which may affect your floors in the long run. Damages such as dents and scratches would also be avoided due to the presence of the old blankets and rugs.

Another reason why you should use your old blankets and rugs effectively is that you would probably not need them in your new home. Using them to achieve your grand purpose would be so much better than keep your life cluttered in your new home. It would surely help you to simplify your life.

Moving from one place to another is a lot of work which can take a toll on you. Fortunately for us, we have professionals who are skilled at moving items for us. Such companies like make sure your floors are well protected by using protective materials to protect the weaker items in your home. Such things would include lamps, mirrors and so much more.


Moving day can be very special to the heart. It could be the day you finally achieve your long-term goal of having your own house. Keep it that memorable by ensuring that your floors are always well protected. That is the only way to keep on smiling for a long time to come!

Author of the article

Rachel Kaplan

Rachel has spent the last few years writing for moving companies while actually moving across the globe. After many years of moving between many states in the US, she moved abroad to try the remote work life. She’s a pro at moving all her things with her dog and hundreds of plants. Thankfully she’s a minimalist so moves aren’t too much of an issue.

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