How to Save Money During A Move

Check out our guide on how to trim costs during your move, enabling you and your family to shift seamlessly without burdening your finances. Saving money while moving involves considering multiple different factors and we'll be here to support you at every stage of the process!

How to Save Money During A Move

There are four main ways to save money during your move. These include avoiding moving season, getting moving boxes, selling and rebuying items, and doing extensive research on a good moving company.

By following these guidelines, you can cut costs significantly during your move and ease some of the financial burden you may be feeling.

1. Get Creative, Get To Work

To cut costs during your move, it's key to think outside the box. The more innovative you are, the more cash you can save.

The trick to saving money while moving lies in discovering strategies to manage your finances and cut unnecessary expenses.

2. Avoid Moving Season

Avoid moving during peak moving season in the months of April through September. Approximately 40 million people in the United States move every year, and 80% of these moves take place during this time.

This means moving companies will charge higher rates and be harder to find. If you move during this time, it will also be harder to find free boxes, sell your items, and follow these methods to save money.

3. Get Free Boxes

You may be surprised to hear this, but boxes add up. Buying moving boxes in bulk could bring an unexpected bill that could be better spent somewhere else. 

There are a few ways to get free moving boxes:

  1. Friends and Family: A few months out from your move, start reaching out to family members and asking them if they can save some boxes for you. It’s all about communication and your timing. The sooner you reach out, the more likely you are to get free boxes. 
  2. Used Marketplace Stores: Apps like OfferUp, Craigslist, and Facebook Marketplace are great places to look as well. Search up “free boxes” and you’ll be shown a bunch of options of people trying to get rid of a large quantity of boxes. They’ll be happy to give you their boxes for your move, saving you money and saving them the burden.
  3. Social Media: If you’re on social media, consider posting on every platform that you’re looking for some moving boxes. Odds are you’ll have multiple people reach out to you and you can get boxes from each one.

Getting free boxes is easier than it sounds. It’s all about testing different ways to find them and getting creative in the process. The more methods you try and the more people you ask, the more likely you are to find them.

4. Selling And Rebuying Items

This method is one of the best possible ways to save, and even make some money on your next move. It involves selling your current items, and rebuying cheaper ones when you’ve settled into your new home.

Start by listing large-scale items such as furniture on used marketplace apps. Then, Grab a notebook and jot down the prices of each item sold. After you've gotten comfortable in your place it's time to begin repurchasing. 

With that list, you can now find cheaper options for each item. For example, if you sold a table for forty dollars, you should aim to find a used table in the twenty-dollar range. You will save money by doing this and end up with some spare cash in your pocket.

5. Research A Quality Moving Company

Finding an affordable moving company is crucial if you aim to cut costs on your move, as it typically accounts for a significant portion of expenses.

When it comes to saving money when hiring a moving company, it’s all a numbers game. Get multiple different estimates and prices from as many moving companies as you can. We don’t recommend going with the cheapest option, as the quality of service likely won’t be very good.

However finding a moving company with great reviews that’s on the cheaper side is always possible, you just need to look.


If you’re ready to save money on your move today, the biggest thing you can do is start packing.

The more items you can pack yourself, the more money you’ll save when your moving company comes around.

If you do everything we talked about you find yourself saving thousands of dollars on your next move.

Not necessarily, however, we don’t recommend going with the cheapest option in your estimate pool.

Find a price from a credible moving company that fits your budget. If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is.

Happy Saving, Happy Moving

We hope that our guide has helped you in planning your moving budget and maximizing your savings. Keep in mind the harder you work at it, the more your potential for saving money there is.

Make sure to check out other iMoving articles. The more you know the better. Happy Moving!

Tommy Loutzenheiser

Meet Tommy, a writer from San Diego, California with a passion for interior design and moving! Coming from a family of interior designers from San Diego, he’s been involved in the world of moving and helping to create beautiful homes for the places people move to. He’s also moved over ten times in various states such as California, Washington, and Arizona! Through these moves, he’s worked with a variety of moving companies, and prides himself on knowing what to look for and how to have the safest, smoothest move possible! For the past few years, he’s bringing his talent of copywriting and knowledge of moving together to help people all across the world start new chapters in their lives through moving! When he’s not busy writing, you can find him doing extensive research all to help your moving process.

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