Things to Know Before You Hire Gun Safe Movers

Things to Know Before You Hire Gun Safe Movers

Whether you are buying a new safe or moving your old one, it’s good to know the best practices and what to look for before hiring someone to do it for you.

Understanding the Importance of Gun Safes

Gun safes are where many keep their most valuable items and documents secure in situations like home invasions. As the name implies, gun safes are typically used for storing weapons which makes them very large and heavy. Deciding to move one yourself or picking the right guy for the job should be well thought out in advance.

Tackling this job unprepared could result in long-term physical injury, or getting stuck with a gun safe sitting in your front yard.

Below we have detailed a quick checklist to help you feel confident that you have thought the whole process through before you… jump the gun (sorry).

Planning the Move: Get the Right Help

First off, this is a two-man job and not to be taken lightly. I know you’re strong, but you are going to want to ask a friend or hire some help.

Tools You Will Need

Now, let’s make sure you have the right tools for the job. There are multiple ways to go about moving one of these and it is not unlike moving a refrigerator, so think about what would be the easiest method for your situation.

A moving dolly is one option and will require two people to load and unload the safe. An appliance hand truck is the best option if you MUST move it alone, but it still helps to have two people in this situation.

Moving straps are the most versatile and evenly distribute the weight between two people. If your safe is on a pallet, a pallet jack will make the move a breeze.

Deciding on the Safe’s New Location

Next, you want to decide where the safe is going to go. You want to pick a space out of view from any windows so potential thieves can't get any funny ideas just by looking in.

Make sure you measure the area it is going to go as well as the pathway you will take to bring the safe inside so you know it will fit. You will also want to clear those areas in advance before you make the move.

Protecting Your Home and the Safe During the Move

Safes can be awkward to maneuver so you will want to take some precautions to protect the safe and your home during the move.

Consider using additional padding and wrapping the safe in moving blankets. Secure the door and any moving parts to prevent them from opening or shifting during transportation.

Safety Precautions: Empty and Secure the Safe

Don't shoot me for stating the obvious, but clean out the safe before you move it. You don't want anything “going off” if the safe happens to tip over, plus it will be much easier to lift if the contents are empty (guns are heavy).

Also, you should never be storing volatile powders or solvents inside of your gun safe.

It's crucial to be aware of and comply with local laws and regulations regarding the transport and storage of firearms. Check that all firearms are unloaded before being moved and stored securely in accordance with legal requirements.

Final Steps: Positioning and Securing Your Safe

Once you have the safe inside and where you like it, you are going to want to bolt it down (you don't want it running away).

It is not uncommon to leave the safe on the pallet it came on, however, we advise against this practice as it makes the safe much easier to steal.

Conclusion: Ensuring a Smooth and Safe Move

To sum it up, moving a gun safe carefully needs good planning, the right tools, and help from friends. It’s important to choose the right equipment, find a good spot for the safe where people can't see it, and make sure everything is ready for the move.

Protecting your home and the safe, following the rules about guns, and making sure the safe is emptied and locked down in its new place are all key steps.

By following these tips, you make sure the move goes smoothly and keep your valuable items safe. Moving a gun safe is more than just heavy lifting; it's about keeping everything and everyone safe and secure.

Author of the article

George Marks

A copywriter with a knack for adapting quickly, thanks to moving all across the US when I was growing up. Currently, I continue to embrace new cities for work, each move adding a new chapter to my story and expanding my perspective both personally and professionally. In my free time, I enjoy things like tennis, building computers, and writing engaging stories in a professional setting.

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